is our world.
Sustainability is a path. At Caruso, we know there’s still a long way to go, but we are determined to excel in this area as well, step by step. On an energetic level: since 2019 the energy that powers Fabbrica Sartoriale Italiana is exclusively produced by renewable sources. On a resources level: our jackets have Nature Inside, refute plastic and are biodegradable. Every raw material we use is traced and certified.
On a local level: the value created at Caruso and Fabbrica Sartoriale Italiana goes back to the community and to the territory of Soragna. On an ethical level: a Caruso jacket lasts a lifetime, not only thanks to its quality but also because it nimbly moves through trends, avoiding excesses as well as classicisms. We are proudly as distant as possible from a system that tries to force upon us a fast-fashion lifestyle.